Henrique Gomes
  • @henrique_gomes
  • Henrique is proficient in Data Analytics, Data Visualization and Data Intelligence. Currently working at Pluxee Brasil, based in São Paulo.
  • São Paulo
  • He, Him
I'm Henrique, a data-driven Analista de Performance living in São Paulo. With over 5 years of experience, I've honed my skills in Dataviz, Business Intelligence, and Economics. Through my work at Pluxee Brasil, I strive to constantly improve and innovate in these areas, pushing the boundaries of what's possible.
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Jan 2024 - Present

Performance Management Data Analyst, Pluxee Brasil

Jan 2020 - Present

Economics, Universidade de São Paulo

Sep 2023 - Jan 2024

Management & Control Analyst, Pluxee Brasil

Feb 2022 - Sep 2023

Internship, Pluxee Brasil

Places where I've been